Reflections on the Road Less Travelled

So, realizing that there are 24 shopping days left to Christmas, I got an early jump on work so that I could escape for an hour or so to get some holiday shopping completed. Everything was falling into place for my outing...............except the weather: 51 degrees and sunny. Forecast for tomorrow: Snow/rain mix and endless string of temps in the 30's. Who knows when we might see 50 again? Hmmmm.....What's a girl to do?

So off I went and I drove out to the main road. Turning left goes towards the mall and turning right leads me to the country. I truly had intended to be a good kid and get to the mall.......BUT.........forces beyond my control made me turn right. There are advantages to living on the fringe of suburbia, where a 10-15 minute drive leads me far from strip malls and into the countryside. This was taken on the way to my destination. I drive by it often on my "Therapy Drives" as I call these and it sort of transports me back in time.

Warm enough to go without a jacket, I walked around and was surrounded by reflections:

It was beautiful out there today, a brief interlude away from the madness, one that I will look back on when I'm housebound due to work, weather, or real life obligations. I would like to say that these little trips satisfy my "need for nature" but all it seems to do is make me realize how much more I need!!! The fun thing about this blog is that it justifies my mini fieldtrips. Ok, I know it's a stretch and I'm just rationalizing, but it does give me a nudge to do what I want/need to do.

I will be spending lots of time posting older photographs from places I've been, but I want to also post pictures like today, of a place I drive to when I need to BREATHE and find a moment of sanity.

I've been to some beautiful places, but the spectacular ones are always so far away, a once a year vacation to fondly look back at. But the reality is that these vacations are few and far between, so what I need to do for my sanity is create these little mini-nature-moments right in my own midwestern back yard. To stop and breathe and look at the trees if only for a few moments and to not feel guilty any more for feeling the "nature" pull......


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