Mississippi River--Thomson Causeway--Illinois

This is the widest point of the Mississippi River, taken from Thomson Causeway COE campground in Illinois. Fall is beautiful here: The small town of Thomson has a great farmers market and down the road there are several flea markets if you like to go "junking." The best part is that the Great River Bike Trail follows the Mississippi River and you can pick it up right from the campground. My son and I had gone for an early morning bike ride once, and we met the nicest lady who was also out biking. Only she had come from CALIFORNIA!!!! She had a pack on her bike and was killing time as she was waiting for a conference in Iowa. She was in her 60's and might I add she was in excellent shape. She explained she had recovered from a rare brain tumor and I think this biking was part of her recovery. I can't imagine having the guts to go alone. I love camping, but we have been in a few secluded spots where I felt sort of "spooked" so I really admire her courage. You just really meet the most amazing people camping. Maybe you do when you vacation and stay in hotels, but when you camp you are outside all the time. Everyone is outside cooking, having fires, fishing, walking dogs, biking, etc. Even when it's raining people will have umbrellas and ponchos and still try to eek out every bit they can from a trip without letting weather ruin it.

I could sit and watch the river for hours. The birds travel in huge flocks and seem to go in a circular pattern as they make their way south. Birds, birds, everywhere.

At night you can see the lights of the barges as they go by.

We used to hit Thomson on Columbus Day weekend every year, but were not able to go this year. But I remember........and can look at these pictures and imagine myself sitting in the sun, just watching the birds and the water, which always makes me feel so peaceful.


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