First Snow of the Year

"Green thoughts emerge from some deep source of stillness which the very fact of winter has released."
- Mirabel Osler

I reflect on this and it actually brings me some comfort and it's a good reminder, because I have to say I was not really thrilled to see the blanket of snow over everything. I know this is a blog about nature, about embracing all the changes and beauty we see in the world around us. But when I woke up to the first real ground-covering snow of the year, I was left flat. Blah. Don't get me wrong. There are times I'm really excited by snow, in awe of its beauty, where I welcome the icy, crystal beauty of the frozen trees and sparkling landscape.

This wasn't one of them.

Maybe because it's Monday. Maybe because I was still only on my first cup of coffee. Maybe because the sun wasn't even up yet. But what I instantly thought was okay, we have 3 more months of this. Three. Long. Cold. Months.

I know once I get outside and take a walk, I will be able to adjust to winter. That's the key, forcing yourself to get out even though sometimes it's easier to stay in where it's warm and cozy. Once you get out, you start to appreciate what you're handed. You don't have a choice! I just wanted a little bit more Fall. That's all. I really enjoyed my recent outings last week, where a sweatshirt or light jacket were "enough." Another month of that would have gotten it out of my system and then I would have been ready for snow. And even as daylight appeared and my morning rolls along, my dark mood of the morning is lifting. Even taking this picture cheered me a bit, so there's hope for me yet.

So what I aim for is this: Because I'm starting with less enthusiasm, maybe just maybe I will have the opposite trend and instead of starting out gung ho and then getting sick of the cold, I will start out blase and then my appreciation will grow. Right? I think this was more of a "Monday" issue than a "first snow" issue.


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