Ice and Lights

Like many parts of the U.S., the Christmas week found us in a crystal-like ice covered wonderland....awesome especially when you don't have to drive. At this point, I am enjoying the beauty that Winter holds. This is when we're supposed to have snow, when we expect it, and when we want it. Those late March snows always depress me, but now is the time. The glow of the Christmas lights with the ice and snow made everything appear magical. Once those lights are down or turned off, it will take me a while to adjust to the true natural beauty of everything.

There are so many things to look forward to: Snow melt, Spring, Summer, etc. This is my constant challenge.....looking ahead instead of just enjoying where we're at NOW. When it's like these pictures above, though, it's easy to enjoy "now." The temperatures were warm enough to enjoy it, not that bitter sub zero cold that I could live without. When the lights are down, and the snow turns grey, that's when I start thinking of warm, sunny beaches.


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