
Showing posts from December, 2009

Ice and Lights

Like many parts of the U.S., the Christmas week found us in a crystal-like ice covered wonderland....awesome especially when you don't have to drive. At this point, I am enjoying the beauty that Winter holds. This is when we're supposed to have snow, when we expect it, and when we want it. Those late March snows always depress me, but now is the time. The glow of the Christmas lights with the ice and snow made everything appear magical. Once those lights are down or turned off, it will take me a while to adjust to the true natural beauty of everything. There are so many things to look forward to: Snow melt, Spring, Summer, etc. This is my constant challenge.....looking ahead instead of just enjoying where we're at NOW. When it's like these pictures above, though, it's easy to enjoy "now." The temperatures were warm enough to enjoy it, not that bitter sub zero cold that I could live without. When the lights are down, and the snow turns grey, that...

Beyond The Winter Solstice.....

Aaaaahhhh....cannot believe it is December 23rd, but I REALLY can't believe I neglected to post on Monday the 21st which was the Winter Solstice. For those of us that live in climates where we have 4 very definite varied seasons, this is definitely a turning point for us. I always am filled with excitement,like we've turned the corner despite having so many weeks of winter left. We've reached the shortest day of the year and now very slowly, at a snail's pace, our days will get longer. But for now, winter is here in full force, and I'm not going to fight it! "In drear-nighted December, Too happy, happy tree, Thy branches ne'er remember Their green felicity: The north cannot undo them With a sleety whistle through them; Nor frozen thawings glue them From budding at the prime. In drear-nighted December, Too happy, happy brook, Thy bubblings ne'er remember Apollo's summer look; But with a sweet forgetting, They stay their cry...

Room of Resurrected Plants

I like plants! I like to have green, growing, living things surrounding me year round. In the deep, dark, cold depths of winter, plants are life when there seems to be none. But sometimes, I forget that the life inside needs care, attention, and love, which can pretty much come in one form: WATER. And like I said, sometimes I forget. And when it appears that I've killed the life in our house, my husband comes to the rescue and takes those dead plants to work and brings them back to life. He waters them, repots them, puts them on a cart to take them out to give them fresh air and sun for short times if the weather is nice. He saves them and creates life where there was none. Connection with gardens, even small ones, even potted plants, can become windows to the inner life. The simple act of stopping and looking at the beauty around us can be prayer. - Patricia R. Barrett, The Sacred Garden Each person's idea of a garden is unique. In creating a garden, we not only open ...

Nature Song Of The Week-To The Morning

Woke up in a funk today and couldn't seem to shake it off. Instead of fighting it, I embraced it and am sharing this very mellow song, which has always been one of my favorite Dan Fogelberg songs from his Home Free album. I still am so bummed that such a talented man passed away and cannot continue to share his music with us. I rank his death up there with the death of John Denver, another nature loving soul. If you are not familiar with this, the words "Watching the sun come up over the rooftops.....There is really no way to say 'no' to the morning...Cloudy and warm, maybe a storm, you can never quite tell from the morning........There is really nothing left to say but come on morning. " There were several videos on YouTube but the live versions were pretty old and not the greatest quality. I liked this one, which of course fits totally with our nature theme with its beautiful photography. I have to say that my petty "life" irritations of the ...

Treasures Beyond The Trail

Each flower is a soul opening out to nature. - Gerald De Nerval At elevations over 10,000 feet you don't always find that much growing, at least not at first glance. But tucked all over you can find the most beautiful wildflowers popping out by fresh water springs, by snow melt runoff, behind rocks or anywhere else life took a chance in spite of all the obstacles! I'm always amazed to find the bursts of color up here, where the wind never seems to stop, where even in July there is a chill in the air, and where the weather can turn nasty abruptly. It's hard to believe both pictures above were taken at the same place, but they were. And when you venture off the path, and find these little surprises like the flowers above, I wonder if maybe I'm the only person that ever laid eyes on this particular flower. Sticking to the path, I would have missed it, but taking the time to wander off the trail holds many rewards.
"The trees down the boulevard stand naked in thought, Their abundant summery wordage silenced, caught In the grim undertow; naked the trees confront Implacable winter's long, cross-questioning brunt." - D. H. Lawrence, Winter in the Boulevard So Monday, I was lamenting the arrival of snow, and today I'm wondering why the blizzard that has covered the Midwest has only left us with a few inches and a bunch of slush!!! So yes, I wish we had gotten dumped on. As long as it's going to snow, bring it on! Out shoveling I was enjoying the quiet, peacefulness that comes with snow. I guess I had forgotten. As crazy as all of our lives are, I think we need to embrace any moment of quiet we are blessed with. It was brief, but the interlude of stillness has stayed in my soul for the rest of the afternoon.

First Snow of the Year

"Green thoughts emerge from some deep source of stillness which the very fact of winter has released." - Mirabel Osler I reflect on this and it actually brings me some comfort and it's a good reminder, because I have to say I was not really thrilled to see the blanket of snow over everything. I know this is a blog about nature, about embracing all the changes and beauty we see in the world around us. But when I woke up to the first real ground-covering snow of the year, I was left flat. Blah. Don't get me wrong. There are times I'm really excited by snow, in awe of its beauty, where I welcome the icy, crystal beauty of the frozen trees and sparkling landscape. This wasn't one of them. Maybe because it's Monday. Maybe because I was still only on my first cup of coffee. Maybe because the sun wasn't even up yet. But what I instantly thought was okay, we have 3 more months of this. Three. Long. Cold. Months. I know once I get outside and take a w...

Nature Song Of The Week

Many songs, poems, etc. have nature related themes that sometimes capture how we feel and what nature means to us. I'm going to have a Nature Song Of The Week, and with Christmas around the corner, I'm going to start off with a Christmas song. It's not a traditional Christmas song, so you may not have heard it, but please hear me out on it and give me a chance. The song is: Medley: Alfie and the Christmas Tree/Carol For A Christmas Tree/It's In Every One Of Us.........From: Don't laugh!!! This is most definitely NOT your traditional Christmas song, and don't let either the Muppets or John Denver keep you away from at least giving it a listen. This particular song/medley talks about a tree who loved his life in the woods and ultimately goes on to give the message that everyone has the potential to understand the need for peace on earth. I loved this song when my kids were little and now that they're older, we all love it. The whole album i...

Color Found

It may be December but in my search for color yesterday, I definitely found it. Starting out with a blue sky guaranteed success! What fun it was to roam around the woods with only my best buddy, the Sun, to keep me company. Any of these river bluffs no matter how small take on a completely different look when the trees are stripped bare of their leaves and you can actually see the landscape. Being a power walker big picture kind of gal, it's good for me to slow down and focus on the details, and to wind down enough where I just simply breathe in the moment. Only then, do I relax. You may may notice that I equate nature with breathing!! Sometimes I feel like I am suffocating until the minute I escape suburbia and enter into open fields and winding roads. "I saw old Autumn in the misty morn Stand shadowless like silence, listening To silence." - Thomas Hood, Ode: Autumn, 1827

Reflections on the Road Less Travelled

So, realizing that there are 24 shopping days left to Christmas, I got an early jump on work so that I could escape for an hour or so to get some holiday shopping completed. Everything was falling into place for my outing...............except the weather: 51 degrees and sunny. Forecast for tomorrow: Snow/rain mix and endless string of temps in the 30's. Who knows when we might see 50 again? Hmmmm.....What's a girl to do? So off I went and I drove out to the main road. Turning left goes towards the mall and turning right leads me to the country. I truly had intended to be a good kid and get to the mall.......BUT.........forces beyond my control made me turn right. There are advantages to living on the fringe of suburbia, where a 10-15 minute drive leads me far from strip malls and into the countryside. This was taken on the way to my destination. I drive by it often on my "Therapy Drives" as I call these and it sort of transports me back in time. Warm enou...

Just A Little Color Left........

Funny how some of these state parks that are filled with people fishing, hiking and picnicking in other seasons are nowhere to be seen once the leaves fall and the temperature drops. A few diehards are out fishing, but other than that, only the sound of the wind blowing the fallen leaves and whipping through the trees can be heard. Cold, but peaceful.