
I took this in the car as I was running kids around from place to place. The flowering pears lining the street were breathtaking and of course the picture taken while driving did not turn out great, but it is my snapshot of the day. When all was done, I went home and sat on the back patio. Sitting in the cool, crisp air, looking at the stars, the spring evening conjured up memories. Memories of similar nights looking at the stars, nights back in high school during Fall with football season, marching band, nights as a child at Halloween, nights in Spring as we played freeze tag and flashlight tag on into the night never feeling the chill, nights camping as a child surrounded by the comfort and security of my family, nights camping as an adult and parent........... All connected with this common thread of a cool evening. Even now after non stop running and sorting out activities, I sit here and can finally breathe. Too chilly now to be without a jacket, I cannot move, relishing the a...